One of the markets we specialise in is the clinical industry where we clean a lot of dental and doctor surgeries and we do work directly for the Primary Care Trust (NHS). The largest site we look after has today had an audit to ensure that we are compliant with our Service Level Agreement and we do this by working to stringent Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s). We’re delighted to have achieved a 99% score. Huge congratulations to the team and Operations Managers who work so very hard to ensure that standards remain consistently high.
Company News
What’s in the ‘Client Area’?
If you’re wondering what’s stored in the ‘Client Area’ well, we’ve placed a lot of information which will be useful to our customers. In there are risk assessments, method statements, our health and safety policy, insurance information and lots, lots more. If you’d like access to that section so you can download anything you need, please call the office on 0191 2720824 and we’ll email you a log in and password. This area will be kept up to date so as things need updating or changed, they’ll be in there for you.
Our plastic ‘milk round’
We produce a lot of our own waste. With over 200 sites receiving a monthly delivery of stock we discovered that most of the empty plastic containers and bottles we deliver were going in to customers general waste which goes to landfill. This simply isn’t good enough and along with our ISO14001 commitment to the environment, we decided that all of our plastic waste had to go to be recycled. Now, when we make a delivery, we drop in a clear recycle bag for the empty bottles and containers to go into. We then take the bags to be recycled. We call this our ‘milk round’ and it’s been tremendously successful and literally tons of plastic have been prevented from going to landfill.
Welcome to our brand new website!
Welcome to the brand new Edwards Cleaning website. We hope you enjoy looking around.